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How to DIY waterproof your fishpond or other water feature

Do you have an inbuilt fishpond? Or perhaps, you’re considering adding a water feature to your property.

A beautiful fishpond, fountain or creative water feature can add a lot of value and aesthetic appeal to any space. But it’s important to always start by waterproofing the surfaces. By implementing the right fishpond waterproofing solution, you can reduce the ongoing maintenance of your water feature so everyone can focus on enjoying its tranquil ambience.

So – what waterproofing does a water feature need?

Well, as long as you have the right product, DIY waterproofing your fishpond is simple.

Let’s guide you on how to do it right.

Why should you waterproof your fishpond?

Water is beautiful but when it’s not contained correctly, it can be a very destructive force! Even the smallest leak can lead to significant damage to your fishpond and surrounding structures – something you don’t want to happen, especially if you’ve invested a lot in building it in the first place.

So, to prolong the life of your pond or water feature, waterproofing is essential.

Waterproofing seals your pond’s physical surface, ensuring that it won’t be porous to water, become waterlogged or damaged by corrosion. Effective waterproofing also keeps water from leaking through cracks and prevents the growth of algae and moss around the pond’s surroundings too.

Furthermore, waterproofing stops lime leaching from occurring, preventing lime from mixing with the pond water which can be harmful to your fish.

Just make sure you choose quality waterproofing products to get this all right.

5 factors to consider when choosing a waterproofing product for your fishpond water feature

When searching for a reliable waterproofing product for your fishpond, fountain or water feature, here are some important factors to keep in mind:

1. Brand and Warranty

Choosing the right brand means choosing quality. Make sure you do thorough research to know which brands manufacture waterproofing products in compliance with both Australian and global standards.

At Scientific Waterproofing Products (SWP), we offer an extensive range of cement-based waterproofing products and expertise to solve your waterproofing, restoration and maintenance needs. We ensure that our products are made with high-quality raw materials and offer a 10-year product warranty, so you can guarantee our products offer you value for money.

2. Resistance to water damage

This sounds obvious, but to serve its purpose well, the waterproofing product you choose must be able to withstand water in the longer term – not just the short term. It must also address existing cracks and prevent further damage before they even happen.

3. Safe and non-toxic

It’s important that the waterproofing product you select is non-toxic and doesn’t contain any chemicals or oils that can damage your fish friends in your pond. If you’re waterproofing a water feature, you don’t want toxic chemicals leaching into the water either.

4. Functionality

The best way to waterproof your pond is to choose a product that not only withstands constant water exposure but is also UV stable and resistant to plant growth. At SWP, we have a range of effective waterproofing products that contain different specifications to serve your needs.

5. Price

Waterproofing products don’t have to be expensive to guarantee quality. Products that simply use water as a primer are a great way to save money as they are a cost-effective option.

Backed by our years of waterproofing experience and expertise, SWP has perfected the approach of delivering cost-effective waterproofing solutions made with technically superior materials. Our loyal clients include councils and government departments across Australia that use our waterproofing products across many applications.

7 steps to DIY waterproof your fishpond

Now that you know what to look for in a waterproofing product, let us move on to how you can DIY waterproof your fishpond.

Here are the steps to keep in mind if you’re waterproofing your fishpond using SWP waterproofing products:

1. Make sure the surface of the pond is clean and in good condition.

Start by removing all materials that have been applied to the fishpond’s surface such as paint, tiles, plastics, adhesives and any other types of membrane. You should also clean it and make repairs if necessary.

We recommend using Drizoro Maxrest to address surface damage and Drizoro Maxplug for water leaks.

2. Wet the surface

After ensuring that it is free from fungal growth, grease, oil or other loose and flaking particles, it’s time to prime. With Drizoro products, you can now wet the entire surface and apply water as a primer. It’s as easy as that!

3. Prepare the waterproofing product to be used.
Don’t forget to check your product’s brochure or packaging to know the exact ratio or amount to be used. You can also consult our local Australian waterproofing specialists to ask us which waterproofing solution is best suited for your fishpond.

Typically, recommend using Drizoro Maxseal Flex or Drizoro Maxseal Flex M.

4. Apply the first coat of the waterproofing product with a thick bristle paintbrush.

The next step involves applying the first coat of Maxseal Flex or Maxseal Flex M. We also suggest embedding Drizoro MaxMesh into this initial coat across all wall-floor joints, lightly overcoating with Maxseal Flex or Maxseal Flex M to hold it in place.

Let it dry for a minimum of 14 hours if you’ve used Maxseal Flex or a minimum of 6 hours if you’ve applied Maxseal Flex M.

5. Repeat the process to apply the second coat of the waterproofing product.

Remember to wet the surface again with water before applying the second coat. You can also add water-based acrylic tint here, but just make sure that it’s non-toxic.

Once the second coat is applied, you can fill construction or control joints with Drizoro Maxjoint Elastic.

6. Let it cure

Let the surface cure for 7 days before applying any additional surface on top of it. Your fishpond shouldn’t be filled with water for 14 days if you’ve used Maxseal Flex or 5 days if you’ve applied Maxseal Flex M.

7. Fill it with water and relax

That’s right – it’s time to let your water feature shine! Fill it with water and remember to speak with your local pet store before adding any sea life to ensure a healthy environment for your fish.

A few simple steps and your fishpond is ready to go! The right waterproofing products such as SWP’s Drizoro range can make the process easy and minimise any headaches down the track.

Choose the right DIY waterproofing solutions for your fishpond water feature

At SWP, we offer you high-quality, cost-effective waterproofing products that make your DIY project simple.

Just visit our website to learn more about each product – or better yet, find the nearest reseller and applicator in your area.

Feel free to contact us if you have any further enquiries.

As always, SWP is committed to providing the right waterproofing solution to any problem or application.

Don't just Waterproof it... Drizoro it!

We have been distributing Drizoro, CMA and other saturants throughout Australia for the last 35 years. Please contact us if you have any enquiries or view our products at any of our trusted stockists.