Unit 4/92 Bryant Street Padstow NSW 2211 Sydney Australia
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Drizoro Maxseal Flex


A flexible waterproof coating for concrete, masonry, blocks, pre-fab panels and brick. It is a two component product, one part a cement powder, the other a latex liquid. Used for swimming pools, decks, planter boxes and areas subject to movement. Component A – 25kg bag. Component B – 10litre. 1kg per square meter per coat.

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Size and Coverage
Size Coverage
35kg bag (white) 20m2 at 2 coats
14kg H’pack includes brush & mixer 7m2 at 2 coates
7Kg Kit (grey) 3.5m2 at 2 coates
7kg kit (white) 3.5m2 at 2 coates
35kg bag (grey) 20m2 at 2 coates
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